Integrations > Vochi

Integration with Vochi


Vochi is a comprehensive system for managing phone calls from landlines, mobile phones, and virtual telecom operators. It offers a universal interface for working with IP telephony, featuring a call log, missed call tracking, conversation recording playback, and client profiles. Connect any number of GSM lines and landline SIP lines seamlessly.



Integration Features:

  • When an incoming call arrives, a pop-up window appears in Gincore with the client's information (if a client with that number exists in the Gincore database).
  • During the call, you can view brief information about the caller, and you also have the option to create a request, an order, or open the client's profile.
  • The conversation with the client is recorded and stored in your "Vochi" account.


Connecting Vochi Telephony

To integrate with this provider, you need to register a personal account on the Vochi website (

In your personal account, go to the API Documentation and Examples menu.

  1. In the API settings, copy the clientId and enter it in the *integration settings card of the Gincore system, in the Client Identifier field.
  2. In the API settings, copy the clientSecret and enter it in the *integration settings card of the Gincore system, in the API Key field.
  3. In the *integration settings card of the Gincore system, copy the Link for send request and enter it in your Vochi personal account, in the WebHook Setup section, for all events.

*Integration settings card of the Gincore system can be found in the menu More -> Settings -> Telephony Integration, section Vochi -> Connection.


Adding Operators

In the menu More -> Settings -> Telephony Integration, click the Add Operator button, and in the opened card, provide the following information:

  • Provider: Select the telephony provider, Vochi
  • Employee: Choose the employee who will be receiving phone calls.
  • Phone: Enter the phone number where your clients will be calling (external number). When calls are made to this number, a pop-up for incoming calls will appear for the employee.
  • Internal Number: Enter the internal number of the employee in your PBX. This parameter is used for outgoing calls.

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