Addressable storage system in the service center

If you have a store, warehouse, service center or repair shop, you need to organize the storage of goods and spare parts. Nowadays, no one keeps records manually, and many enterprises use programs for inventory control. To understand how this system works, you can read the answers to common questions.

How to increase the efficiency of the sales department

The sales department is an integral part of any service center. It is needed not only for incoming/outgoing calls to customers, but also to increase the number of company sales. A well-established call center contributes to an increase in the profit of the SC.

3 Hauptgefahren beim Kauf von Ersatzteilen in China und den USA

Wie man 3 Haupt Risiken beim Kauf von Ersatzteilen in China oder den USA vermeidet. Sparen Sie bis zu 50%, indem Sie bei Aliexpress und eBay einkaufen.

Automatic markup. System markup for spare parts in the service center and workshop

There are many challenges for workshop and service center owners. It is necessary not only to recruit qualified specialists to the staff, to purchase equipment, spare parts, but also to develop the company, form an image, attract new customers, and also perform hundreds of small tasks.

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