Production, new filters, import of serial numbers. Update


Over the past two months, we have launched several updates and here is a brief overview of the new functionality:

* The ability to attach files in orders to suppliers has been implemented. Files are limited in size to 3 mb. To add a file to the order, you must click on the paperclip icon next to the Notes to the order.

* Possibility to pay for the supplier's order from the customer's order. In an open repair or sales order, before linking the serial number to the order, there is a new button that will allow you to pay the order to the supplier directly on the spot. This innovation was implemented for employees who simultaneously receive, pay for and ship spare parts in small companies.

* New variable {{products_table_notsum} that displays a table with products without information on their cost in printed templates for customer orders.

* Customer order filter by range. A new filter has been added to the Orders menu, which allows you to filter orders by certain values, for example, all orders from the thousandth number to two thousand. It will help you generate reports and compare data in even more detail.

* New filters Purchaser and supplier have been added to the Accounting/Reports/Turnover menu, which will allow you to filter orders in the report according to the specified parameters. The buyer in the order is the employee who placed the order with the supplier, but did not accept it, if these employees are not the same person.

* Commodity nomenclature card. Now it is possible to change the priority of pictures. Just drag the desired image to a convenient position with the mouse.

* And in the section Orders to the supplier, a column with information on the purchase cost of the purchased goods has been added.

* Changes have been made to the operation of the mass edit button. Background color changes when ticked. In addition, the button now pulses and is more visible.

* Export of the movements’ history to an Excel file. A new button Unload has appeared in the Warehouses/Movements/History of movements menu. Here you can split the report into parts, export by a certain range or completely.

* In the category menu, when creating a new one or editing an existing one, when you click on the Parent category field, the system will offer 2 frequently used categories and 3 recently added ones, which will save time on entering and searching for the right one.

* Import of commodity balances with serial numbers. In the More/Import/Stock balances menu, the serial number field has been added to the download template, here you must specify all serial numbers separated by commas. It is important that if there are fewer serial numbers than the number of goods delivered to the warehouse, the system will automatically generate standard serial numbers for the rest of the goods.

* New notification constructor for employees. In the employee card, go to the Notifications section, here you can configure which communication channel and under what conditions messages will be sent to the employee.

* A tick in the employee card “Automatic appointment as a manager”. If you set this parameter to a manager, the system will randomly distribute orders among all employees with this active checkbox. This is implemented for those who have so-called wars for more profitable orders in service centers.

* New checkbox Edit orders after closing in roles. If you deactivate this checkbox, then an employee with this role should not be able to make any changes to the order, except for the live feed.

* We also changed the behavior and essence of the Partner checkbox. Now, if it is activated, the following rules will apply:

  • The checkbox “display customer contact details” will be automatically unchecked so that the partner does not see information about your customers.
  • When creating an order from this employee, the partner's data from the employee's card is pulled up in the full name and phone number field of the client.
  • Partner type of repair is automatically added to the advertising source. Responsible (Master and Manager) automatically becomes the same employee.
  • The estimated date of completion is today's date + 24 hours.
  • The partner will not be able to edit anything other than the device and notes when creating an order.

This is done so that you can safely give access to third-party partners and not worry about the safety of your data. Please note that if your partners do not need these restrictions, you can use any other role or create your own without checking the Partner checkbox.

* Added sorting of clients alphabetically and by id. In the Customers menu, you can click on the column name, and thus sorting in descending order will be applied. Clicking again will sort in ascending order. 

* Import of commodity balances with serial numbers. You can upload a file with your own serial numbers via Excel. Specify your serial numbers in the document and upload in the usual way in the Import menu.

* Notifications. Convenient message constructor for notifying employees. You can select the event and channel where to send the message and set up different notification chains for your employees.


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Watch next update 07.07.22. Integration with Opencart, sending receipts and invoices to the client by email.

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