Instruções para Encontrar o Público-Alvo

O seu negócio será bem-sucedido apenas se você trabalhar com o seu público-alvo. Primeiro, você precisa identificá-lo corretamente e criar um perfil do cliente. Profissionais de marketing buscam potenciais compradores utilizando ferramentas especializadas.

Production, new filters, import of serial numbers. Update

Over the past two months, we have launched several updates and here is a brief overview of the new functionality:

Marking the comments, clients sorting, notification constructor. Update

The features you've been waiting for in this update:

Editing prepayment, history of transfers, improved import of orders. Update

The Gincore team is working in turbo mode, because we are preparing two huge innovations that will not leave you indifferent.

Categories in the Gincore program

The Gincore program is used in repair shops, stores and warehouses. Categories are one of the software modules. This tool allows you to organize goods, services, acceptance of equipment for repair, and also helps to process orders.

Filter optimization, performance improvement. Update

The Gincore team is working in turbo mode, because we are preparing two huge innovations that will not leave you indifferent.

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